Bard is One
(Newsletter: 19th November 2023)
365 days later…. we are still here and goodness what a year it has been. By our fairly crude calculations we have welcomed around 5000 people through our doors in Leith. We have consumed - not just ourselves - more than 1000 Tunnock’s Teacakes (significantly fewer than the 3.5 million they sell each week). Our Peerie Fish marches steadfastly on the lapels of more than 800 adults and children around the world. Most proudly, we have increased the number of people whose work we show and sell at Bard from under 30 to just over 50. We like to think that every single conversation we have, in some small way, opens people’s eyes and minds to the intriguing power of craft and its compelling provenance in Scotland. After all, we are what we make.